Oxbridge Christmas Drinks 2012

Despite the torrential rain, a small group of between 30-40 hardcore Oxbridge fans bravely made their way to White Rabbit at Dempsey to enjoy an informal round of Christmas Drinks, ending off the year in the spirit of good cheer. For the Christmas crackers, mince pies and silly hats that added to the festive mood, we have Bonnie Lee (Selwyn ’06) to thank! Paul Supramaniam (VP Cambridge) said a few words to the assembled group on behalf of the Committee and provided a brief update the activities planned during the coming year. Here’s to a very exciting 2013 ahead!

See photos of the event here!

Committee Members – Year 2012 to 2014

We are pleased to announce that a new Committee has been elected following the 2012 AGM. The new members are as follows:

Name Designation
Mr Michael Hwang President
Mr Ng Yeau Chong Vice President for Oxford
Mr Paul Supramaniam Vice President for Cambridge
Mr Michael Odgers Honorary Secretary
Mr Cheong Jin Yu Honorary Treasurer
Mr Dominic Soon Assistant Honorary Secretary
Ms Caitriona Heinl Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Ms Bonnie B. Lee Member
Mr Tan Yi-Xun Member
Mr Toh Han Li Member
Ms Melanie Chew Member
Ms Boon Siew Kam Member
Mr Melvin Tan Member
Mr Paul Broom Liaison Officer from the British High Commission

Annual General Meeting 2012

Dear Members,

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Oxford & Cambridge Society of Singapore will be held at No. 4 Queen Astrid Park on Friday 16 November 2012 at 7.45 pm for 8.15pm for the following purposes:

1. To confirm and adopt the Minutes of the previous AGM, convened on 28 October, 2011;
2. To confirm and adopt the Committee’s report and the Accounts of the Society as at 31 December, 2011;
3. To elect the Committee members for 2012-2014;
4. To elect two Honorary Auditors for a term of 1 year;
5. To transact such other business as may be properly transacted at an ordinary general meeting.

Dress Code: Smart Casual

Please RSVP to events@oxbridge.org.sg by 12 November 2012.

The September Social 2012

The September Social 2012

Join us for an afternoon of informal mingling as we send this year’s freshers off on their journey. This year, the Oxford and Cambridge alumni have worked together to combine their fresher’s event – the more the merrier! Whether you are a first year, a current student or a Cantab/Oxon alumni, this is an excellent opportunity for you to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Date: 22 Sept 2012 (Sat)
Time: 2.30pm-5pm
Venue: University Lounge, Level 6, SMU Administration Building, 81 Victoria Street, Singapore 188065
Contact: cambridgesocietysg@gmail.com
Sign Up here: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4235636904

The event is free for freshmen entering Cambridge or Oxford. A nominal fee of $5 will be collected from alumni and guests to offset costs. Please pay by cash at the door.

Wine, soft drinks and light finger snacks will be provided.

We are very grateful for the generous support of Prof Arnoud de Meyer (President of SMU and previously Director of the Judge Business School in Cambridge) as well as the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Singapore.